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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  March 24, 2013 8:30am-9:00am PDT

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delayed and detoured around the route. for more information on the race just go to and click on hot topics. oakland police say the new tactics for a crime crack down are working. yesterday at this church oakland mayor jean quan and howard jordan announced homicides and shootings have dropped dramatically due to an antiviolence method. the chief also credits a raid three weeks ago where federal agents targeted the case gang. they also thank the community and clergy. >> they understand what it takes to police this city. they know we can't do it alone. >> what is really important is that law enforcement is not standing alone. >> reverend george cummings joins the chief on calling meetings with gang leaders urging them to stop the violence. 38 new police officers have just joined the force. part of the first police academy graduation in four
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years. lowe's is being accused of discrimination in san francisco. they opened a store on bay shore boulevard in 2010. the chronicle is reporting six current and former employees are filed a lawsuit in superior court. they sailors hired minority employees to agree with the city to allow the store to be built. they say management fired employees once the store opened. lowe's declined comment but insisted it's in full compliance with city regulations and agreements. a mock plane crash in the bay area helped dogs sharpen their search and rescue skills. they built this training facility. this is the shell ridge open space area in walnut creek. now the dogs were sent out in search of pretend plane crash victims that were equipped with everything from fake flood. the goal is to train volunteers for a real life emergency. >> the dog handlers their crews
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would come out and locate the casualties and provide treatment and evacuation. >> organizers with the california search and rescue dog association zaires cures don't usually see this type of situation so the hope is this drill will help them in the future by better preparing them for it. the fbi is working with east bay police to track down a serial bank robber. the suspect is being called the button down bandit. on march 12th he robbed a wells fargo in pleasanton and robbed a chase bank in walnut creek. he's known to wear a gray button down dress shirt and dress black shoes. there is new information about the shooting at a san francisco nightclub we first told you about right here. the san francisco entertainment commission shut down the 330 rich club for the entire weekend. witnesses say an argument broke out just before 1:30 saturday
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morning at the accomplishment. a gunman opened fire both inside and outside of the club. three people were wounded. two men in their 20s and a man in his 30s remains in the hospital in critical condition. they are reviewing surveillance footage. we are hearing the 911 call that was made after the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy. >> the woman told police two boys tried to rob her and shot her baby while she was pushing him in his stroller. 17-year-old marcus elkins and a 14-year-old boy who's name has not been released because of his age has been charged with first degree murder. elkins aunt claims he is
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innocent but police say they are not looking for any other suspects. a fatal shooting in san leandro claimed the life of a man who was trying to defend his mother-in-law during a robbery. it all began when two thieves approached the woman on friday night. officers say when the woman's son-in-law came out of the house to help, one of the thieves shot and killed him in the driveway. the victim was 33 years old. he lived in alameda. police say the two suspects drove off in a dark sedan. new gun control ads from a group of mayors are now airing in some key states. >> i've owned a gun all my life and i'll fight for my life to keep it. background checks have nothing to do with taking guns away from anyone. >> this ad is part of a campaign from new york city mayor michael bloomberg in a group called mayors against illegal guns. it supports comprehensive background checks. it will air in 13 states believed to be divided on gun control. it will not air in california.
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it's a national day of action for postal service workers. in a couple hours a rally will be held add the north beach post office. that is one of many rallies being held across the country. today's day of action is being held to save six days of service. postal workers say that is a bad idea because people depend on their mail. eliminating a day of delivery would hurt small communities and businesses the hardest. jesse knots is anxiously awaiting a reunion with a young life he saved in afghanistan. now while stationed in afghanistan, knots noticed the cat was being mistreated by people who would paint him or cut off his fur. he enlisted the help with an interpreter to speak the cat out of the country. he says the cat helped him through a dark time so he wanted to rescue him from is a dark place. time is 8:37.
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let's turn over to rosemary and see how we're looking out there on this sunday. a little hazy behind you. >> yeah a little fog creeping into the bay area. you will begin to see that transition. today it will stick around for the morning hours. it will burn off fairly quickly and left with high clouds and mostly sunny skies for your sunday. giving you a live look at the bay bridge you can't see the city of san francisco at the moment. the lighter winds the northerly winds have really dropped off allowing some of that patchy fog to creep back into the bay. if we head to the maps i will show you when i expect it will burn off. you can see it right along the coastline here. half-moon bay and pacifica. we are looking at postally clear skies. high clouds again remain in the forecast. 4:00 in the afternoon a bit of an on shore breeze coming back. this is a transition that we'll begin to see with cooler air, a
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stronger sea braze and -- sea breeze and some rain. 39-degrees in santa rosa. one of the lingering spots in the 30s. 40 for napa. 42 for fairfield. that is a big improvement for you fairfield. 48 in oakland. 51 in redwood city. mid 40s san jose under mostly sunny skies. pacific satellite view the ridge of high pressure still in control for your weather pattern. we have that flow. high clouds continue to spill in time and time again. leaving us with high clouds and mostly sunny skies. the system back here it's about hundred miles off -- 800 miles off the coastline. the on shore breeze is back. the cooler air mass moving into place. takes until about wednesday we start to see a chance at maybe sprinkles. your afternoon highs for today under mostly sunny skies. 68 for vallejo. 72 for napa. 67 san rafael. along the coast between the low
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clouds turning sunny and cloudy again scene an afternoon breeze. 58 for pacifica. along the coastline could be a little cool. santa cruz starting off mostly sunny and 68 expected for you. inland temperatures will warm once again. even a tad above average. 69 san jose. 70 degrees for pleasanton. there is your extended forecast. high clouds will return for monday and it will be a little thicker. the increasing clouds continue on tuesday with a cooling trend wednesday and thursday and chance for rain. i'll line up the future cast model and show you detail. a big change is coming this week for commuter ons the golden gate bridge. after two years of planning the bridge will switch over to an all electronic toll taking system on wednesday. for drivers this means four new ways of paying the toll. the first and easiest option is fast track. mtc says there has been a big champ. the there is also a pay as yo go option which requires you to
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set up an account with your license plate and credit card number. the third option is to make a one-time payment before crossing the bridge. lastly you can get an invoice mailed to you for the toll amount due. another important reminder for drivers once the conversion goes into effect do not stop at the toll booth. since the toll takers will not be there anymore. 28 toll workers will lose their jobs as a result of the switch over. all but nine of the workers have been reassigned to other positions within the bridge district or chosen to retire. 8:41. the new efforts by california investigators and why they will never result in a conviction.
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[ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. [ male announcer ] you think you know me. i'm just red carpets big spectacles and the a-list. that's only the beginning. i have more than one red carpet. i like all sorts of spectacles. from the grandiose to the impromptu... to the completely unexpected. and you'll only have
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to think about a list... when you cross this, off your own. los angeles. endlessly entertaining. plan your getaway at [ both ] we're foodies. [ both laughing ] but our plants were starving. [ man ] we love to eat. we just didn't know that our plants did, too. then we started using miracle-gro liquafeed every two weeks. now our plants get the food they need while we water. dinner's ready. come and get it. no one goes hungry in this house. so they're bigger, healthier, and more beautiful. guaranteed. with miracle-gro anyone can have a green thumb. and a second helping. [ both laughing ] when you feed your plants... everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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thank you for joining us this morning. a live look there at the bay bridge. fog has regrouped and joining us along the bay and the coastline this morning. officials in napa are taking another shot at getting millions of there ares in federal funds to help control flooding in central napa. local flood control caused $23 million but failed. officials say the funding will be hard to come by especially with so many cuts at the
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nation's capitol. today connie island is official -- coney island is officially reopening for the season. they held a hot dog eating contest on the board walk. most people are still rebuilding but say yesterday's event is a sign of good things to come. >> it's very emotional. a lot of the residents and the businesses here in coneny island have -- coney island have been badly beaten by this storm. >> today the annual blessing of the rides will be held not all of the attractions will be open but some that are will be free to the public. >> the carnival dream is back at sea. the ship left port canaveral florida for the first time since electric call electrical problems. yesterday the ship set sail with 4500 passengers.
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. drug agents in los angeles say it's no laughing matter. they have taken down a crime ring distributing nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas. they served washes on 17 different locations -- warrants on 17 different locations. users say they inhale the gas for a short high. >> so there is a lot of money to be made. >> the feds seized large tanks of noz which weighed a total of 36,000 pounds. there may be a new trend in new mexico. thieves steal from car crash victims. if a few days ago someone came upon a fatal sent before the police did. the thieves stole the rims, tire, and battery while the deceased driver lay pinned underneath it. last week a family moving from california to texas claimed $15,000 worth of their personal
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belongings was stolen after a car crash near albuquerque sent them to the hospital. south korea is accusing of north korea of training cyber warriors. no connection to north korea has been found but investigators say there have been six cyber attacks coming from the country since 2009. and they say north korea is pouring money into science and technology. a full investigation into last week's attack could take weeks. california investigators are taking another look at cold cases. right now authorities are combing through dna left behind by killers and rapists. so far it has linked a serial killer who died in prison in 1999 to an unsolved murder in 1990. a legend among the fitness world has died.
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yesterday bodybuilder joe weeder died of heart failure at his los angeles home. arnold schwarzenegger credits his fitness career to him. he also published in fitness magazine. the battle over the mental health care of state has back to court on wednesday. a federal judge will consider whether billions of dollars invested over the past two decades have improved the system. if the judge rules the conditions have improved, control will be returned from the courts to the state. advocates for the prisoners say basic rights are still being violated and the suicide rate is getting worse. a ruling is expected next month. city college of san francisco says it's going to double its summer class schedule. the college says the boost will help meet the demands for specific classes. more than 980 classes will be offered with the majority being
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english, math, and science courses. enrollment management was one area of criticism. a final decision on the schools accreditation will be made in june. this might get you excited for the arrival of power ball. late ticket sales pushed the jackpot in last nights drawing to $338 and it's all going to just one person. lottery officials say one ticket matching all six numbers was sold in new jersey. the winner will take home the fourth largest power ball prize ever. the cash option is $211 million. we don't know who won. power ball is coming to california on april 8th. hundreds of people gathered in oakland last night to celebrate our own rita williams at her retirement party. she retired at the end of last month after 35 years with ktvu. family friends and colleagues were all there last night to celebrate her big achievements.
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including ktvu's dennis richmond. >> did you ever expect to see this many people out to honor you? >> are you kidding me? absolutely not. >> i did. >> i'm overwhelmed, i a humbled, and i am teary eyed that this many people thought i did a good job. i guess. i hope. >> the party included dinner, dancing and an auction to benefit the friends of faith breast cancer charity. rita williams, dennis richmond both stables. time now 8:50. the halftime show the chicago bulls game took a surprising turn for one fan. the mystery man that was waiting for her at half court. another enjoyable game to look forward -- another enjoyable day to look forward to for your monday.
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hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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this lady has no idea. she thinks benny the bull is setting her up to take a shot. she has no idea that her son has just returned from iraq. >> so sweet. a heartwarming military surprise. this is at last nights chicago bulls game. as you can see, she was overwhelmed at the sight of her son home from iraq after she caught her breath figured out what was going on she ran over and gave him a very big hug there. starting tomorrow columbia
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college will help those impacted by federal tuition cuts. the school announced it will defer tuition charges to allow military students to find more time for funding. the students do have to pay that money back by the end of next month. last year more than 8500 students received tuition. california men sweet 16 dreams were put to rest yesterday by syracuse. >> syracuse good luck. you will run into somebody called oregon i hope soon. >> the bears lost 66-60 despite a loud home crowd. that crowd included oregon fans. oregon also played at hp yesterday. the bears were urged to root for each other and the pac 12 conference. despite the loss cal fans say they are very proud of the team. >> mike montgomery has taken this program he has brought us to the ncaa four out of the past five years. >> they had good wins. we can proud. there is always next year.
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>> syracuse will move on to face the winner of today's indiana-temple game. by the way oregon defeated st. louis by the way. the ducks will play the card falls on friday. today stanford begins its run in the nc 2a basketball tournament. they will host tulsa at maple pavilion. if all goes planned they will take on cal on april 1st with the winner advancing to the final four. congratulations to the bishop girl's basketball game. they won the championship last night in sacramento. this is the second state title they won the division three championship last year. the world's most famous landmarks went dark last night in celebration of earth hour. here in the bay area the bay bridge was one of the local landmarks participating. as you can see that new bay light show was turned off. this was all before 9:00 last
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night. the las vegas strip lost its usual glow. 16 he toles and casinos participated by turning off their lights for an hour. the city of light also went dark. hundreds gathered to watch the eiffel tower go dark. more than 7,000 cities observed earth hour. you know what is coming home this week? oakland a's, san francisco giants. they will pack their bags and leave the desert and mare they way back to the bay area. they will be playing themselves thursday, friday, and saturday. you say rain is on the way. >> yes it will be soggy. right now this morning we are looking at patchy fog. mostly clear skies around the bay. temperatures a lot like how we started yesterday. wide spread upper 30s and 40s. the north winds really relaxed until the last -- relaxed in the last 24 hours and has the fog return to the coastline. it will burn off.
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but by this afternoon at 4:00 we have it moving back in. and this time around it's going to come with the transition in the weather that is going to bring us cooler, cloudier, eventually rainy conditions. it's monday afternoon. this system you see to the north will not bring us any rain. it will begin our cool down. it's tuesday a second system dropping out of the gulf of alaska now by tuesday night into wednesday morning. perhaps a few scattered showers. and that will set the stage for an unsettled second half of the business week. we are cooling it down mid 60nd expected in the forecast by wednesday. thursday snow in the mountains. snow dropping down to 6,000 feet on wednesday. silicon valley is getting a taste of wine country. theness is being held today in campbell. it runs from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.. it will include 40pinot
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producers from the santa cruz mountains. more than a dozen food vendors will be there. tickets at the door $85. a massive snowstorm continues to barrel down on parts of the nation this morning. we'll let you know how much snow is fallen so far and where the steam is headed -- the storm is headed next. onth -- but, i wish it was more dangerous like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and e's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
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i just missed her. we just talked through facebook. i barely got to talk to her on the phone because she was always working. >> new details on the deadly shooting on a marine base in virginia. the connection to the bay area. pope francis celebrates his first palm sunday in st. peter's square as pope what. he did showing that he is the people's pope. and it's a great day for a race. the oakland running festival underway this morning. we'll show you the start of the full marathon, tell you where folks are headed this morning in the city of oakland, and will you hear from the mayor about why this is such an important event for the city.
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good morning. welcome to mornings on 2. fog rolling in, rosemary, but shaping up to be a nice day. >> you're right. another nice one in store. we are waking one patchy fog hugging the coastline. a cool start again. 30s to 40s around the bay and our inland areas. high clouds and a pleasant afternoon for you. we are going to transition to a cool, damp pattern and it could last for several days. i'll have a look at your extended forecast and your numbers for today coming up. the suspected gunman and one of the victims in the marine barracks shooting was from the bay area. 25-year-old sergeant eusebio lopez of pacifica shot and killed two marines,